
New products

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Iguana iguane red hypo
  • New
Iguana iguane red hypo
Iguana iguana red hypo, Iguane red hypoou Iguane commun rouge hypo
€800.00 Price

Iguana iguane red albinos
  • New
Iguana iguane red albinos
Iguana iguana red albinos, Iguane red albinos ou Iguane commun rouge albinos
€1,150.00 Price

Archachatina marginata
  • New
Archachatina marginata
Archachatina marginata, Escargot géant d'Afrique
€35.00 Price

D3+ Dragon T5 Lamp 14% UVb...
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D3+ Dragon T5 Lamp 14% UVb Arcadia (56cm et plus)
D3+ Dragon T5 Lamp 14% UVb de Arcadia, tube néon T5 à spectre lumineux convenant aux animaux reptiles et produisant des rayons UVb 14%
€33.85 Price

D3+ Desert T5 Lamp 12% UVb...
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D3+ Desert T5 Lamp 12% UVb Arcadia (56cm et plus)
D3+ Desert T5 Lamp 12% UVb de Arcadia, tube néon T5 à spectre lumineux convenant aux animaux reptiles et produisant des rayons UVb 12%
€32.40 Price

D3 Forest T5 Lamp 6% UVb...
  • New
D3 Forest T5 Lamp 6% UVb Arcadia (56cm et plus)
D3 Forest T5 Lamp 6% UVb de Arcadia, tube néon T5 à spectre lumineux convenant aux animaux reptiles et produisant des rayons UVb 6%
€27.28 Price

D3+ Desert T8 Lamp 12% UVb...
  • New
D3+ Desert T8 Lamp 12% UVb Arcadia (90cm et plus)
D3+ Desert T8 Lamp 12% UVb de Arcadia, tube néon T8 à spectre lumineux convenant aux animaux reptiles et produisant des rayons UVb
€34.40 Price

D3+ Desert T8 Lamp 12% UVb...
  • New
D3+ Desert T8 Lamp 12% UVb Arcadia (60cm et moins)
D3+ Desert T8 Lamp 12% UVb Arcadia,  tube néon T8 à spectre lumineux convenant aux animaux reptiles et produisant des rayons UVb 12%
€29.39 Price

D3 Forest T8 Lamp 6% UVb...
  • New
D3 Forest T8 Lamp 6% UVb Arcadia (75cm et plus)
D3 Forest T8 Lamp UVb de Arcadia,  tube néon T8 à spectre lumineux convenant aux animaux reptiles et produisant des rayons UVb 6%
€30.30 Price

D3 Forest T8 Lamp 6% UVb...
  • New
D3 Forest T8 Lamp 6% UVb Arcadia (60cm et moins)
D3 Forest T8 Lamp UVb de Arcadia,  tube néon T8 à spectre lumineux convenant aux animaux reptiles et produisant des rayons UVb 6%
€25.30 Price

copy of Varanus timorensis
  • New
copy of Varanus timorensis
Varanus timorensis, varan de Timor
€1,495.00 Price
All new products

Laws and documents provided

Invoice and transfer certificate

When a customer purchases an animal from, an invoice is automatically generated as soon as the animal is delivered. It is therefore necessary to wait for the actual delivery of the order to be able to download the invoice from the customer account.

The invoice is an important official document that serves as proof of legal purchase between a professional trader and his customer. The invoice indicates both the contact details of the seller, those of the buyer as well as information on the animals sold (depending on legal obligations, this differs from one species to another): origin, CITES number, micro-chip, sex,….

A transfer certificate is a document that only exists during sales between amateurs, non-professionals. This document is sometimes requested by the administration of certain countries. It mentions the name of the seller, the buyer, their contact details and the animal species sold (+ possibly the CITES number, etc.)

An invoice, an official document, is the document that serves as a certificate of transfer when buying from a professional. On an invoice it is indicated the same thing as on a certificate of transfer: name of the seller, the buyer, their contact details and the animal species sold. Therefore, Hobbyreptiles does not provide a "transfer certificate", the sales invoice serves as a transfer certificate.


In order to protect and regulate the trade of certain animals and plants, the United Nations established the CITES convention in 1975. Thus, the most protected but authorized species of possession (Appendix I) must imperatively be sold with an official CITES document and individual.

All animals listed in Appendix I of CITES that are sold on are accompanied by the individual CITES document of the animal. On this type of document there is a unique number, information on the origin of the animal and sometimes a micro-chip number (identification chip) when required by law. The CITES number is then also indicated on the sales invoice generated by our system.

Other protected species for which the breeding, possession, import is authorized but regulated trade (Appendix II), must simply have a CITES NUMBER and not an individual CITES document. This CITES number appears on the sales invoice for the animal in Appendix II. These animals in Appendix II but which were born in captivity do not need a CITES number but the mention NC (born in captivity) is then indicated on the sales invoice.

Then there are the over-the-counter species, not concerned by CITES. These are sold with an invoice as described above on this page.


The identification of animals and their follow-up in the I-fap concerns only our French customers. is a Belgian company which therefore does not identify animals shipped to France. This means that the French customer wishing to register his animal in the I-fap will have to do so via his own veterinarian.

Nevertheless, it sometimes happens that animals already identified in the I-fap are delivered to us by our suppliers. In this case, will take care of indicating in the I-fap the contact details of the new owner of the animal, ie our delivered customer, whatever his country of residence. This administrative process is a free service offered to our customers. A period of 3 to 15 working days is necessary for the completion of this procedure.

Legislation and authorizations is a Belgian company from Wallonia applying both Walloon laws and European laws regarding the sale of live animals via the Internet. This means that our legal obligations depend on the nationality of the customer placing the order and therefore two scenarios arise:


We have the possibility to sell in any European country, to any person at least 18 years old, any animal legal in Wallonia WITHOUT ASKING OUR CUSTOMERS FOR SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS OR PROOF OF PARTICULAR AUTHORIZATION .

This therefore includes our French, German customers,... who can place an order with us for any animal authorized in Wallonia, whatever the legislation of their own country! Of course, to be in order with his administration, it is up to the French, Swiss, Luxembourgish client, etc. to carry out any administrative procedures that apply in his country. will never ask its "non-Belgian" customers for proof of detention authorization! This is the work of the administration of the country concerned but not of our company.

We master the laws of application in Belgium and governing the trade of animals in Europe but we cannot really provide specific information on applicable laws in other countries.


We have the possibility to sell to any Belgian aged at least 18, any amphibian and invertebrate WITHOUT ASKING OUR CUSTOMERS FOR SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS OR PROOF OF PARTICULAR AUTHORIZATION.

For reptiles, since February 7, 2021, the Decree of the Walloon Government has come into force governing the marketing and possession of reptiles, file n°2020-12-10/37, published in the Belgian Official Gazette of 28-01-2021 , on page 6161. Thus, pursuant to Article D.20, § 1, of the Walloon Animal Welfare Code, only the species of reptiles listed below may be sold and owned WITHOUT ASKING TO OUR CLIENTS OF SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS OR PROOF OF PARTICULAR AUTHORIZATION (except animals in appendix II)


Boa constrictor

Boa imperator

Chilabothrus striatus

Corallus cookii

Corallus hortulanus

Epicrates alvarezi

Epicrates cenchria

Epicrates crassus

Epicrates maurus

Eryx colubrinus

Candoia paulsoni

Acrantophis dumerilii

Lichanura trivirgata

Antaresia childreni

Antaresia maculosa

Antaresia perthensis

Antaresia stimsoni

Aspidites ramsayi

Liasis m.mackloti

Morelia bredli

Morelia carinata

Morelia spilota

Morelia viridis

Python anchietae

Python regius

Heterodon nasicus

Natrix maura

Natrix tessellata

Nerodia fasciata

Nerodia sipedon

Thamnophis couchii

Thamnophis cyrtopsis

Thamnophis elegans

Thamnophis eques

Thamnophis marcianus

Thamnophis ordinoides

Thamnophis proximus

Thamnophis radix

Thamnophis sauritus

Thamnophis sirtalis

Bogertophis subocularis

Coelognathus helena

Elaphe anomala

Elaphe bimaculata

Elaphe climacophora

Elaphe dione

Elaphe quadrivirgata

Elaphe quatuorlineata

Elaphe sauromates

Elaphe schrenckii

Lampropeltis alterna

Lampropeltis californiae

Lampropeltis calligaster

Lampropeltis gentilis

Lampropeltis getula

Lampropeltis holbrooki

Lampropeltis knoblochi

Lampropeltis mexicana

Lampropeltis nigra

Lampropeltis polyzona

Lampropeltis pyromelana

Lampropeltis ruthveni

Lampropeltis splendida

Lampropeltis triangulum

Lampropeltis zonata

Oreocryptophis porphyraceus

Orthriophis taeniurus

Pantherophis bairdi

Pantherophis emoryi

Pantherophis guttatus

Pantherophis obsoletus

Pantherophis slowinskii

Pantherophis spiloides

Pituophis catenifer

Pituophis deppei

Pituophis melanoleucus

Pituophis vertebralis

Zamenis longissimus

Zamenis persicus

Zamenis scalaris

Boaedon capensis

Boaedon fuliginosus

Boaedon lineatus

Boaedon olivaceus

Lamprophis aurora



Xenagama taylori

Pogona henrylawsoni

Pogona vitticeps

Pogona minor

Uromastyx acanthinura

Uromastyx geyri

Uromastyx nigriventris

Uromastyx ocellata

Uromastyx ornata

Uromastyx thomasi

Uromastyx princeps

Uromastyx dispar

Chamaeleo calyptratus

Furcifer pardalis

Cordylus tropidosternum

Varanus acanthurus

Varanus glauerti

Varanus tristis

Varanus timorensis

Varanus kingorum

Gallotia galloti

Lacerta viridis (groupe)

Podarcis siculus

Timon lepidus

Timon pater

Nephrurus sheai

Nephrurus levis

Nephrurus amyae

Nephrurus wheeleri

Underwoodisaurus milii

Correlophus ciliatus

Mniarogekko chahoua

Oedura monilis

Oedura castelnaui

Rhacodactylus auriculatus

Rhacodactylus leachianus

Coleonyx elegans

Coleonyx mitratus

Coleonyx variegatus

Eublepharis macularius

Goniurosaurus hainanensis

Hemitheconyx caudicinctus

Hemitheconyx taylori

Gehyra mutilata

Gekko auratus

Gekko gekko

Gekko vittatus

Hemidactylus brookii

Hemidactylus frenatus

Hemidactylus imbricatus

Lepidodactylus lugubris

Lygodactylus picturatus

Lygodactylus williamsi

Paroedura picta

Phelsuma abbotti

Phelsuma dubia

Phelsuma grandis

Phelsuma klemmeri

Phelsuma kochi

Phelsuma laticauda

Phelsuma lineata

Phelsuma madagascariensis

Phelsuma modesta

Phelsuma nigristriata

Phelsuma ornata

Phelsuma seippi

Phelsuma standingi

Phelsuma cepediana

Phelsuma borbonica

Phelsuma quadriocellata

Stenodactylus sthenodactylus

Uroplatus fimbriatus

Uroplatus sikorae

Tarentola annularis

Tarentola mauritanica

Gonatodes albogularis

Teratoscincus roborowskii

Teratoscincus scincus

Cyclodomorphus gerrardii

Tiliqua scincoides

Tribolonotus gracilis

Tribolonotus novaeguinae

Lepidothyris fernandi

Eutropis multifasciata

Tachylepis quinquetaeniata

Chalcides ocellatus

Eumeces schneideri

Crotaphytus collaris

Crotaphytus bicinctores

Gambelia wislizenii

Anolis carolinensis

Anolis coelestinus

Anolis cybotes

Anolis equestris

Anolis lucius

Anolis marmoratus

Anolis pogus

Anolis roquet

Anolis sabanus

Anolis sagrei

Anolis grahami

Dipsosaurus dorsalis

Sauromalus ater

Leiocephalus personatus

Leiocephalus schreibersii

Petrosaurus thalassinus

Sceloporus cyanogenys

Sceloporus magister

Sceloporus malachitus


Chelodina longicollis

Emydura subglobosa s.l. (=albertisii)

Kinosternon baurii

Kinosternon flavescens

Kinosternon leucostomum

Kinosternon subrubum

Kinosternon scorpioides (inc.cruentatum)

Sternotherus carinatus

Sternotherus minor

Sternotherus odoratus

Pelomedusa subrufa s.l.

Chrysemys dorsalis

Chrysemys picta (ssp. picta, ssp. belli, ssp. marginata)

Emys orbicularis sspp.

Graptemys nigrinoda

Graptemys ouachitensis

Graptemys pseudogeographica

Pseudemys concinna s.l.

Pseudemys floridana sspp.

Pseudemys gorzugi

Pseudemys nelsoni

Pseudemys peninsularis sspp.

Pseudemys rubriventris

Pseudemys texana

Terrapene baurii

Terrapene carolina s.l.

Terrapene mexicana (inc. triungis)

Terrapene ornata

Cuora amboinensis

Mauremys mutica

Mauremys reevesii

Mauremys caspica

Mauremys japonica

Mauremys nigricans (=hongkongensis)

Mauremys rivulata

Mauremys sinensis

Rhinoclemmys pulcherimma sspp.

Chelonioidis carbonaria s.l.

Chelonoidis denticulata

Testudo graeca ssp. ibera s.l.(sspp. Moyen-Orient, armeniaca, buxtoni, terrestris, zarudnyi)

Testudo hermanni ssp. boettgeri, ssp. "hercegovinensis"

Testudo marginata

Pelodiscus sinensis s.s

Annexe II: Espèces de reptiles qui peuvent être détenus à condition de respecter les normes d'hébergement ci-dessous ET de possèder une attestation vétérinaire complétée conforme


Chlamydosaurus kingii

Intellagama lesueurii

Physignathus cocincinus

Hydrosaurus amboinensis


Hydrosaurus pustulatus

Hydrosaurus weberi

Basiliscus plumifrons

Basiliscus vittatus

Brachylophus bulabula

Brachylophus fasciatus

Iguana iguana


normes d'hébergement

A : possibilité de grimper

B : Possibilité de se cacher en hauteur (par ex : présence de fausses plantes,...)

Cx : Présence d'autant de points chauds que d'animaux à t° minimale de x degrés Celsius en fonctionnement diurne

D : température minimale de l'eau du bassin à 20°C

E : maximum 1 mâle par terrarium

F : Source UVB en fonctionnement diurne

Gx : Température nocturne ne descendant pas sous x degrés Celsius

H : substrat d'une épaisseur tel qu'il permet l'enfouissement de l'animal

I : possibilité de se cacher dans un décor constitué de pierres plates